Upwork接单教程(十一) – Upwork的准入和风险提示


现在加入Upwork并不是一件容易的事情。自从今年以来,Upwork一方面收紧了 Freelancer 新用户的注册,而且 采用系统自动甄别关键字 和 人工相结合的方式 进行审核简历完整度不足100%、简历上各模块内容没有用心填写、 一般是无法通过审核;另外 需求过剩的技能方向也限制注册


另外 简历提交通过后 或者在 接到单子后 需要进行 个人视频验证,具体就是Upwork工作人员要确认您注册的信息和实际要相符,特别是确认本人和头像为同一人,另外客服还会暂时锁定简历,并就简历上的内容进行询问确认,请注意一定要记住简历上的一些关键信息,视频验证回答错误可能会直接封号

另外如果提交过多的 Proposal 而拿不到工作或者只有很少的收入也会被封号:


According to CEO Stephane Kasriel, Upwork gets 10,000 new signups EVERY DAY. As the site grows more popular, they\'re also becoming more selective with who can apply for jobs. Lately, I’ve been getting an increasing number of emails from readers who are having a hard time getting their profile approved. I know this can be frustrating. So today, I’m going to share the proven strategies I’ve tested behind the scenes to increase your profile\'s chances of being approved by Upwork. Before we dive in, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

1. Upwork’s rejection policy is a GOOD thing. Because it\'s the best freelancing site in the world, a LOT of people want to make an account. Having a screening process means that when your profile does get approved, you’ll face far less competition and your account will be even more valuable. >
2. When Upwork rejects a profile, it’s not happening randomly or arbitrarily. When a client searches for freelancers, Upwork uses an algorithm based on a specific set of criteria to determine who shows up, and in what order. While the account approval process may have a human component as well, it’s likely that the first “line of defense” is an algorithm similar to what they use to deliver up search results. If you take time to think about WHAT Upwork is looking for and WHY, you can take steps to significantly increase your chance of being approved. (These steps will also give you a better shot at being hired and quickly boosting your freelance career.)

3. If Upwork rejects your profile, it’s not the end. Even if you don’t get approved, you can always make some changes and resubmit your profile. There’s no reason to stop trying if you’re rejected the first (or second, or third) time.



2,另外为什么你的账号没有通过申请,你需要 做好对Upwork平台的调研,详细了解目标客户的需求、做好对自身实力的评估,Upwork的意思很明确:请先搞清楚你是Upwork需要的人才吗?


附录1:Upwork官方关于 新用户简历注册的说明提高简历通过率的措施


1,注册成为Freelancer并选择一个会员计划: 登录 Upwork官网 注册一个Freelancer账号,并根据需要选择一个会员计划,会员计划可以随时更改。Upwork允许一个人/机构,同时拥有Freelancer 和 Client账号,即我们既可以在平台上接活,也可以在平台上发活。但是记住不能刷单哦。欺诈行为在哪里都是见不得光的事情,在Upwork也是雷区,不要轻易尝试。

Upwork简历注册教程:注册Upwork账号 · Upwork接单标准教程-免费精华版


2,创建内容详实的简历: Upwork建议简历上面的每一项都认真填写,重点突出技能优势,也就是说尽量把简历完成度达到100%,列举自己出彩的项目经历,并设置小时费率,另外小时费率也可以随时调整。

3,设置提现方式Upwork官方支持五种提现方式,根据以往的经验和中国的国情,我们建议设置两种提现方式。分别是 从Upwork直接电汇到国内银行账户(Upwork余额在$2500以上) 和 从Upwork提现到 Payoneer 中转,再提现到国内银行账户($2500以下) ,这样的话最省手续费也最方便快捷。

4,使用 Upwork Message: Upwork提供非常强大的沟通工具,可以与客户在线语音聊天,视频面试,做面试笔记,附件上传保存,聊天群组创建等,方便全世界的在线工作者协同工作。Upwork也建议所有信息在平台沟通,也方便维权保留证据。私自给客户留联系方式也是禁止的行为。

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